If you are at all familiar with the movie “Tombstone,” you know that the phrase “I’m your Huckleberry” is said by the legendary Doc Holliday many times throughout the picture.
The movie is a truly great “western” that glamorizes the exploits of the aforementioned Holliday, as well as Virgil, Morgan, and Wyatt Earp. A central theme of the movie is that it tries to convey the togetherness, as well as “family above all else” when it comes to addressing issues that need to be addressed.

Whether you agree or not as to how close the movie is to the actual historical record, it does convey the “central themes” in a very enjoyable, as well as believable way. It is a family favorite of ours that has been watched many, many times.
As a family, we kid around as to what characters each of us might be in the movie. It always comes down to me being Virgil Earp. I think the reasoning behind this is just that I’m old, and Virgil was the oldest brother. Brandon ends up being Doc Holliday, Ethan is Morgan Earp, and Joey is Wyatt Earp. Obviously, this is just fun fantasy.
I would always like to think that our family is quite close. Such as the relationships that are displayed in Tombstone. We are always there for each other, no matter what the problem, through thick and thin. We always have each others backs. No issue is either too big or too small that we can’t be there for each other to offer advice, or a helping hand.
Brandon is in California, Joey is in Texas, Ethan is in his second year of college at Trine, and Maureen & I are at home. If we don’t talk every day, we talk a few times a week to stay abreast of what is going on in each of our lives.
Like the Earp’s & Holliday, it is all for one, and one for all in our family. Don’t ever forget, that “I’m your Huckleberry!”